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적 캐릭터 인공지능은 일단 단순하게 랜덤 순찰/타겟 설정/공격 으로 구현하였고, 아직 너무 단조로워서 여러가지 기능을 추가하여 완성도를 높여야 할 것 같습니다.
카메라 쉐이크는 너무 간단하게 구현이 되었는데, 적 캐릭터에서 플레이어가 피격당할시 발생하게 설정하였습니다.
1. 타켓 시스템 수정
1. 적 캐릭터 인공지능 구현
2. 카메라 쉐이크 구현
Advanced Locomotion System v4 - https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/ko/product/advanced-locomotion-system-v1
Advanced Locomotion System V4, 제작자 LongmireLocomotion, 카테고리 Blueprints - UE4 마켓플레이스
An advanced bipedal locomotion and layering system focusing on high quality character animation with responsive movement. Built to be flexible, extendable, and to provide a solid starting point for new projects. Currently Singleplayer only. (100% BP)
Gothic Knight - https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/ko/product/gothic-knight
Gothic Knight, 제작자 TalkingDrums, 카테고리 Characters - UE4 마켓플레이스
Fully customizable set of characters to be used with Medieval or realistic-fantasy games. You can choose from 5 predefined versions or use provided parts to create your own combination.
Light Lamellar Armour Pack - https://www.unrealengine.com/marketplace/ko/product/light-lamellar-armour-pack
Light Lamellar Armour Pack, 제작자 TalkingDrums, 카테고리 Characters - UE4 마켓플레이스
Set of characters to be used with Medieval or realistic-fantasy games. You can choose from 10 predefined versions or use provided parts to create your own combination.
'UE' 카테고리의 다른 글
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[작업017] Player HUD and Stamina Function (0) | 2020.09.19 |
[작업015] HitReaction Remake (0) | 2020.09.12 |
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[작업013] Add Widget and Dead State Function (0) | 2020.09.01 |